10 Surfer Instagram accounts you should be following
Is your Instagram starting to bore you? Sick of seeing Kim Kardashian showcasing yet another teeth-whitening product? Or are you over all the inspirational quotes? Well get ready to revamp your account, guaranteed to ramp up your insta-stoke!
1. Kook of the day - @KOOK_OF_THE_DAY
One of these days, I’d love to be featured on this Instagram account. It’s like the who’s who of kooks! If you ever feel embarrassed about that one time you fell on your face in front of your surf instructor, then think again! Readers send the account moderator images of kooks they run into in their daily travels, and @kook_of_the_day whips up hilarious captions. A must follow!
2. Alana Blanchard - @alanarblanchard
With a staggering 1.8 million and counting Instagram followers, you’re probably already following her, but if you aren’t, you really should be—Alana loves to post racy photos of herself and her friends lounging on the beach but she is also an incredible surfer, so if you're into hot surfer chicks this is an account for you.
3. Kelly Slater - @kellyslater
You can’t make a list to do with surfing without mentioning the King of surfing himself. Kelly’s instagram of course features some amazing photography of world-class surfing but also gives an interesting insight into his life. If you’re into conspiracy theories, chem trail sightings, and nutritional advice, Kelly Slater is one of the more interesting people to follow on Instagram. The perennial world champ likes to use his account as a pulpit to spread his views of the world and incite conversation.
4. John John Florence - @john_john_florence
Current surfing world champion and one of the most down to earth yet respected surfers of his time, its no wonder he has made our lise. John's love for photography and his sport is as genuine as any. He has an impressive camera quiver and gives you a peak into his incredible life of surfing, sailing and all round genuine guy.
5.Clark Little - @clarklittle
The most infamous instagram photographer. While not a professional surfer, Clark Little’s instagram is all about showing the beauty of waves, the ocean and occasionally the fun little creatures lurking beneath. Known for his beautiful pictures and videos of the local shore breaks around Oahu, a must-follow if you are interested in surfing or photography!
6.Sunwave Surfcamp - @sunwavesurfcampfuerteventura
Arguably the best surf camp in the world, with the hottest instagram haha! No but seriously, by following us you will get an inside scoop of the day in the life of a Sunwave surfer, beautiful landscapes of our incredible island, awesome surfing pics of our actual guests and we also chuck in some of the awesome times we have outside of the water.
7. Stephanie Gilmore - @stephaniegilmore
Not happy just to be queen of the waves, six-time world champion Stephanie Gilmore runs one of the more interesting accounts on the Gram as well. There is no shortage of killer surf action, and Steph's land-based activities are a refreshing change from the usual surf and jock schtick.
8. Mark Healey - @healeywaterops
Mark Healey is not only tied with Shane Dorian for the title of surfing's biggest maniac but he also runs a pretty tidy online profile. If you like huge waves, hunting (on land and in the water), and the occasional shark ride or two, then you'll love Healey's work.
9. World Surf LOLs - @worldsurflols
Some talented photo-shop gurus with a keen eye for surf humor. Get ready to laugh
10. Surf Porn - @surf_porn
Ok, so don’t freak out, it's not actually porn. Well…...for surfers maybe it is…. Imagine the best Lineups, action shots, quivers, and short videos. The moderator picks the best of the best shots from around the internet and it is simply a work of art..

Click the blue button below to be directed to all the surfer pics.
You can download these for free, just remember to hashtag #sunwavesurfcamp on social media. Enjoy!

Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura - 14.06.2017
Sunwave Surfcamp Fuerteventura - 14.06.17 Surfer pictures - El Cotillo Beginner surf lesson
Click the blue button below to be directed to all the surfer pics.
You can download these for free, just remember to hashtag #sunwavesurfcamp on social media. Enjoy!
16.06.2017 /Categories: surfing theory, wellness & fun